Show FreeOrion Technologies

Q: What is this web-page?

A: I was trying to play FreeOrion (an open-source 4X space game) but had a tough time getting a big-picture feel for all the technologies and buildings available. One culprit is that the in-game "research" pane shows all technologies with not enough rhyme or reason in organizing related technologies to be together. So I threw together a web script that shows the same technologies (plus buildings, ship parts, etc) in a slightly more organized way.

Anyhoo, if you play FreeOrion feel free to search-by-technology here.

(note: this page is a work-in-progress. there's stuff I've been meaning to add, and bugs I've been meaning to fix...)

Which Technologiess to Show Show _all_ technologies as one big (but slightly hard to comprehend) group:

Do a little searching, and show these:


Show me the tree for this technology (can use comma-separated names):

    Or for one of these these top-level technologies:

Show me techs that can be unlocked next, given that these are already unlocked:
        (add already-unlocked techs in the box, can be comma- or newline-separated names)
        (techs unlocked at the start of the game like "Self Defense" are implicitly added to the box)