Show Cleric Spells

Q: What is this web-page?

A: I play AD&D from time to time, but kept getting distracted from hitting the rulebook to find out which cleric spells were both castable and useful in a given situation. So I threw together a script that sorts through spell levels and spheres, to create a nice summary of castable spells.

(note: I'm using AD&D 2nd ed spells, some of the spells are shown using house rules, and a few are shown using my own personal interpretation. proceed with caution.)

(note 2: this page is a work-in-progress. there's stuff I've been meaning to add, and bugs I've been meaning to fix...)

Spell Levels and Rarity Maximum spell level to show:
(note that minor-sphere spells are limited to level 3, even if this is higher)

Only show spells with these rarities:

Spell Spheres
show all spheres
show just the spheres allowed by diety:
show just the spheres listed below (mark the major+minor ones):
       All Elemental (Earth) Protection
Animal Elemental (Fire) Summoning
Astral Elemental (Water) Sun
Chaos Guardian Thought
Charm Healing Time
Combat Law Travelers
Creation Necromantic Wards
Divination Numbers War
Elemental (Air) Plant Weather

Results Show results like so:
html format (shows more info)
download as file "cleric_spells.pdf" (better for printing)